How do I clean mold/mildew?
A: Mild soap and water is best recommended and there are new products safe to use in your local hardware store. If you are planning on using bleach know that the fumes are harder on your lungs than the mildew you are cleaning up.
When do I change my furnace filter?
A: All furnace filters should be changed monthly and I do recommend the pleated type not the cheapest brand. This is to be done during the heating and A/C seasons.
How do I keep water out of my basement?
A: Did you know that 90% of all the water that will come around your foundation will come off your roof? Extending downspouts 6ft away will help control water and the last 10% will be poor grading or mother nature will drive it there. Cleaning your gutters out spring and fall will help to ensure they drain properly.
What is vermiculite/asbestos?
A: Vermiculite is a mineral substance made from mica. This insulation was available in loose fill and looks like small rectangular shaped pieces, one brand Zonolite came from ore and contained asbestos. If your house was built before the late 70’s you may have this product in the attic, it may be under other insulation and has been a resale issue which can cost between $10,000 to $15,000 to remove and replace with new insulation.